Consebo M3 Excel Generator


Consebo M3 Excel Generator

All standard reports from M3 in Excel

Rating 5/5 Based on 1 reviews
Developer:Consebo AB


Experts in M3 Output & Document management

Experts in M3 Output & Document management

Consebo has a very long history of working with the Output and Document management area related to Infor M3

Features and Benefits

Tired of bad looking PDFs?

Sometimes the standard PDF´s can have some glitches and are not that well designed. Take a look at the comparison of the Age Distribution Report.

Easy to use

Design and change your standard reports directly in Microsoft Excel. No need to learn a complex 3rd party software.

Work with the data as intended

Do you have external Accounting firms that don't want a 3000 pages long PDF with the data required?

With the M3 Excel generator you will get all your standard reports in Excel ready to share. Premade templates for all necessary reports.

Design totally new reports/documents

Take advantage of the Infor OS APIs and create totally new documents in Word, Excel, PDF or to print.

Extremely fast implementation

Redefining efficiency in the market, the M3 Excel Generator has a very rapid deployment. Premade templates.

All Excel functions available

Use the Excel built-in features like advanced sorting, filtering and formatting.

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