Prophecy IoT®

Prophecy IoT®
Advance your smart factory with Prophecy IoT®

Alarms & Notifications
Prophecy IoT® configures alarms that are dynamic and can help predict the future along with corresponding actions that kick in to stop unplanned downtime and scrap. Alarms that indicate the rate of change, temperature, pressure, voltage, speed, idle time, and faults are just a few examples of alarms that can be configured in Prophecy IoT ®.

Andon Boards
The Prophecy Smart Factory delivers information down to the machine level. Now every Haas, Amada, Grinder, laser, mold, or press can have its dedicated resource group card. This card monitors each machine and/or group and its production and OEE, similar to “a day in the life”. All of these cards are presented in real time on one single dashboard. This is a heartbeat of every manufacturer. With Prophecy you will be able to have every operational executive monitor and TV in the plant display this screen to understand the health and performance of the shop floor.

Smart Factory - Automation
A factory with connected machines allows real-time collaboration from the Shop Floor to Top Floor management with automation. Examples of areas that can be automated with Prophecy IoT® are: Transactions (Labor, machine, material), Job Dispatch, Material transactions, Service PM & Incidents, APS Schedule Exceptions, Quality (Plan, RCVR, Tests), OEE, BOM Cycle Times, Factory Track, etc. Propehcy IoT®’s effortless integration of the data-driven insights from your machines and business software unlock the full potential of your shop floor and maximizes the power of your digital factory.
*This screenshot is of the Prophecy IoT® Smart Factory Plugin connected with Factory Track, an optional integration

Plant Overview
With Plant Overview, data and capabilities drill down at a profound level. OEE is where availability for the machine, Performance for the machine, and Quality for the machine are pulled together. This gives the Overall OEE metric measured by machine, shift, factory, and product. Additionally, one of the Plant Overview features directly targets dynamic OEE calculations, in real time. Prophecy IoT® automates all transactions and reporting into SyteLine.

HMI (Human Machine Interface)
HMIs (Human Machine Interface) allow for LIVE operator interaction and alert notification. Reimagining the operator interface, Prophecy IoT® HMIs can include both real-time machine and ERP data while simplifying the operator experience including single screen/easy button operation to execute the manufacturing plan based on the work order and quality instructions. With a button click the operator could for example calculate setup time, cumulative scrap, production time, quality produced, and downtime with reason codes. All this data is automated into the ERP system as the operator works on their jobs.

Smart Factory - Real Time Displays
The Smart Factory boards (Andon boards) display LIVE on the shop floor, grouping together machines, departments, and work centers. They show production teams, lines, quality feeds, maintenance feeds and accurately portray the LIVE job status. Real time displays continuously show downtime, scrap, OEE, production performance and job comparison performance.
*Prophecy IoT® offers both light and dark software themes, this screenshot is a sample of the dark theme format